Last Minute Christmas Supplies

This post has last minute Christmas supplies for a small family gathering. With the fast approaching holiday and more staying at home, this post will help you find some online supplies for your small family gathering. Many of these ideas below have fast shipping options as well.

Click on the items in the collages below and you will be directed to that particular item.

Elf Wreath

The first item is a funny elf butt wreath. It lights up and has a battery pack for three AA batteries. Also, I have this wreath and am very pleased with it’s quality.

Family Games for Young Kids

These are some easy and affordable Christmas games to keep the kids entertained while they wait for Santa. First, is the Kids Pin The Nose Reindeer game. Cute reindeer character with red sticker noses. Second, is a simple Christmas bingo came. Also, the bingo cards have cute Christmas characters on it for the kiddos.

Family Games

Next, are two games that are top rated for family fun. Although, the recommended age group is 10 and up there are reviews posted were their 7 year old child was able play with minimal help.

Christmas Supplies

These are just some fun and affordable family party supplies. Simple extras like a pair of goofy sunglasses and some quick easy party supplies will add a little extra happy to the small family gathering.

Reversible wrapping paper

Lastly, for the last minute Christmas supplies is wrapping paper and bows. My pick the whole thing in one. That is, reversible paper, ribbons and different size bows. Last minute wrapping for those few last minute gifts has never been so easy!

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