My Fashion Blog Theme

I am absolutely in love with my new blog theme.  The template is called Harper.  This Harper template came from 17th Avenue. Even better, it is perfect for a fashion blogger! 

There were multiple themes to pick from and I chose Harper. This Theme seemed perfect for a fashion blog.  It has a clean and pleasant to look.  Also, it provided several ways for adding features for monetization.    

There were so many features available for customizing. In addition, the instructions that came with the purchase were more than detailed enough for me to follow.  I am not going to lie though, the customizing took a lot of time.  There were several nights after work involved where I worked building the new theme. In addition, I took my time and followed each of the instruction’s steps in their order.  The instructions were very comprehensive and had links to further explanations.   

With the theme purchase there was a support team available for asking questions. I did not need to contact the support team for any help. As long as I took my time, the instructions were easy to follow. It is nice to know that there was a support team available should it be needed.

My three favorite features from the Harper theme are as follows:

(1) The Instagram feed

Yes, I was able to add my Instagram feed successfully. The instructions were clear and easy to follow!

(2) The โ€œGet This Lookโ€ feature

Also, on the front page the most recent blog posts will show up in a beautiful display.  Not only that, but by following the theme’s instructions further you will be able to add the โ€œshop the lookโ€ feature as seen in my home page. In my fashion blog, this section is called โ€œGet This Look.โ€

(3) The subscribe features available

There are many sections available to add a subscribe feature for a mailing list. Although, I didnโ€™t do all the ones that were available.  I decided to add the subscribe feature at the footer and on the right side of the other pages beyond the homepage.  There was a tutorial link for setting up with Mailchimp which I followed as well.

I am very happy with my fashion blog theme. It is such a great feeling of accomplishment creating something on my own.  I definitely recommend giving 17th Avenue a chance! You will have a new fresh and clean looking to your blog.

Keep Up with Mia